Chainlink - Tout ce que vous devez savoir


prix chainlink


Chainlink est une solution décentralisée basée sur Ethereum pour la vérification des soi-disant oracles. Les oracles sont utilisés par les plates-formes de contrats intelligents pour cartographier les informations externes du «monde réel» nécessaires à l'exécution d'un contrat. L'approche de Chainlink promet d'améliorer la sélection et la disponibilité d'oracles fiables.

Quel problème résout Chainlink?

Contrats intelligents basés sur BlockchainsRéaliser cela pose toujours des défis pour les développeurs. L'exécution des transactions contractuelles dans un écosystème clairement défini est le moindre des problèmes. Parce que c'est exactement pour cela que le concept de blockchain a finalement été développé.

Plusieurs choses rendent ChainLink unique. C'est un théorie dédié uniquement à rendre intelligente des contrats plus connectés au monde externe. Le contrat concept wise a été initialement introduit par Ethereum; cependant, leurs contrats intelligents peuvent seulement gérer data about la blockchain. En sachant le prix link, vous pouvez connaître la valeur de ChainLink.

La plateforme crypto chainlink tente de contrer ce problème en mettant en place une plateforme de trading décentralisée pour les services Oracle. Les développeurs s'appuient initialement sur le réseau éprouvé, mais souhaitent externaliser une grande partie des fonctionnalités de la blockchain à moyen terme. Il s'agit de maintenir les coûts d'utilisation du marché bas. Les transactions en chaîne doivent être payées avec le jeton Ethereum "LINK".



Comment fonctionnent les oracles chez Chainlink?

Tout comme les oracles de la mythologie, qui promettaient à ceux qui cherchaient de l'aide la connaissance et les prophéties en invoquant une autorité supérieure, les oracles dans les contrats intelligents servent également de source externe fiable pour les informations relatives au contrat. Dans le cas du pari de football décrit ci-dessus et présenté dans un contrat intelligent, il peut s'agir, par exemple, d'un site Web proposant des résultats de jeu sous une forme lisible par machine. Un contrat intelligent peut lire ces informations et, en fonction de cela, payer à l'un des partenaires contractuels après le match.

Si l'enjeu n'est pas trop élevé et que le site Web est digne de confiance, cette méthode est un bon moyen de cartographier les paris sportifs dans un contrat intelligent. En règle générale, l'opérateur de l'oracle facturera une somme modique pour la fourniture des informations. Mais que se passe-t-il s'il s'agit de beaucoup d'argent et que la possibilité pour le fournisseur Oracle de corrompre ou de déformer des messages est intéressante?

Dans ces cas, il est judicieux d'utiliser les informations de plusieurs oracles indépendants pour le jugement. Ce n'est que lorsque, par exemple, quatre sites Web différents rapportent à l'unanimité le résultat du match de football, le contrat est effectivement exécuté. Cependant, cette approche présente l'inconvénient que la sélection et le paiement des oracles deviennent de plus en plus complexes et coûteux. D'autant que non seulement la fiabilité des informations doit être garantie.

L'approche de Chainlink

Chainlink est une approche pour organiser l'offre de services Oracle via la blockchain et pour les placer sur une base de confiance. La solution mise en œuvre par Ethereum est destinée à fournir trois mécanismes importants en chaîne afin de permettre la sélection des oracles appropriés. D'une part, il existe une gestion de la réputation des fournisseurs Oracle.

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Dans ce cadre, les trois critères définis dans la dernière section pour un Oracle fiable sont évalués: l'intégrité, la disponibilité et la confidentialité. D'autre part, Chainlink dispose des fonctionnalités nécessaires pour permettre d'une part la mise en relation entre les partenaires contractuels intelligents et les fournisseurs Oracle et d'autre part pour cartographier l'agrégation des offres contractuelles.

Les développeurs de Chainlink soulignent dans le livre blanc, qui décrit la gamme de fonctions prévue de la plateforme, qu'il devrait être possible à moyen terme de réaliser de grandes parties du service actuellement en chaîne, également en dehors de la blockchain Ethereum.



How To Choose An Iron With A Steam Generator?


iron machine


More and more often, housewives prefer a whole ironing system to an ordinary iron. Choosing an iron with a steam generator is not a simple task, because the model range is quite wide, and each manufacturer praises its product.

What iron is better with a steam generator?

There are several characteristics of such a device, you should pay attention to them before choosing an iron with a steam generator:

Iron palm. The best iron for quilting with a steam generator (in any case, according to the manufacturer) should have a sole made of strong and high-quality material. The lining should not be afraid of large temperature changes and should not scratch the details of the clothes when ironing. These requirements are satisfactory for aluminum and stainless steel. The ideal option would be an aluminum alloy base and a stainless steel or ceramic coating.

Handle it. In principle, these characteristics can not significantly affect the price, but this is a definite ironing process. If you are in doubt which iron is better to choose with a steam generator, be sure to hold the object in your hand. Feel the weight of the iron, the comfort of the handle. Ask the consultant to show the iron action. As a rule, the handle is made of cork, so it doesn't slip and is comfortable in its thickness.




Steam flow. The best irons with steam generators will never leave wet stains on clothes. The fact is that the main distinguishing feature of this type of iron is the quality of the steam. The steam generator produces fairly dry steam with practically no dripping, which makes it possible to quickly iron clothes, but will not lead to stagnant water. To check the quality of your ironing, take a piece of cloth with you. The consultant is obliged to show your device in action, because such an iron is quite expensive.

When choosing an iron, be sure to ask a consultant about the need to fill only with purified water. Some models require filtered water and additional funding from scale.

It is also important to feel the weight of the iron when buying . With a lightweight iron it is very easy to work with, but a heavy best iron for quilting will make it easier to iron more wrinkled objects.

Before choosing an iron with a steam generator, decide with the manufacturer. Of course you have more than one household appliance, and you can evaluate the quality of products from various companies. If you do not have acquaintances who are already using steam irons and can give advice, it is better to give preference to companies that have no problems.

Often, in the line of one type of technology, several different models are presented at once. In this case, you can pay attention to irons with a built-in steam generator. The cost will be slightly lower, but the characteristics will be different.



When deciding which iron to choose with a steam generator, pay attention to the iron tip . At first glance, this criterion has little effect on choice at all. But the sharp-nosed model more qualitatively strokes the place between the buttons, but the stubborn model leaves almost no doubts on the clothes.

Rating of irons with steam generators

There is also such an assessment. In a way, this is a great tip for you when choosing an iron. It is clear that the popularity of the model depends on the quality of the product, the price and the popularity of the company, but even one brand has fewer models of the same type of household appliance.


How To Remove A Slow Tub Drain


how to remove drain stopper


Whether you are standing in a tub filled with water while showering or bathing, your tub drain is usually clogged. Before you call your favorite plumber, there are a few remedies you can try before you pay for expensive repairs. Many times the solution to unclogging a drain is as simple as built up hair or soap scum that can easily be removed.

If you stand in a tub filled with water while showering or bathing, your tub drain is usually clogged. Before you call your favorite plumber, there are a few remedies you can try before you pay for expensive repairs. Many times the solution to unclogging a drain is as simple as built up hair or soap scum that can easily be removed. The following tips will help you unclog your drain.

Items Needed:

* Screwdriver

* Yarn hook

* Wire cutter

* Soda

* Boiling water



If it happens for you, the single solution may be to eliminate the stopper to re install the drainpipe. Nevertheless, the superior news isthis is an easy job that anyone can perform with only two or three straightforward instruments -- also if you want to decide to take to, here's how to remove sink stopper.

Tip 1 - Remove the plug

When taking a shower or a bath amount of hair can be washed down the drain. So the first solution is to remove the drain plug (if you have a plug). Inspect the plug to see if any hair or soap has collected on it or in your drain. Some plugs can be removed simply by pulling them freely. If you cannot remove yours, you will need to release the plug linkage and the overflow plate cover located over the drain hole. Do this by simply unscrewing the cover.

Step 2 - remove hair and soap

Once you have released the cap and removed it, use your finger or a poker. To create a poker, use a wire cutter and cut your hanger to about 12 inches in length. Then bend the end of the hanger to create a small hook on the end. With the holder, remove anything you can see that has collected in the drain and plug it in,

Step 3 - Use commercial chemical

If after cleaning your drain with your poker and the drain remains clogged, use a chemical cleaning solution that will dissolve the hair and collect the soap scum. Of course, before utilizing any kind of chemical in your tub, you need to make sure that the water is completely drained. Chemical cleaning solutions can be very effective and their cost is minimal compared to the cost of hiring a plumber. if you are concerned about the possible effect of harsh chemicals on your plumbing. You can try a homemade solution like this: Pour ¼ cup of baking soda down your drain, then add ½ cup of boiling water. Let this solution sit for about ten minutes,

how to remove drain stopper


Tip 4 - Use a Hose

Whether after using the above procedure you find out that your drain is still clogged, bring your garden hose to your bathroom and insert the end into the drain. When it is in place in the drain, turn the water off completely. The water pressure should then dislodge the hoof.

Tip 5 - Call a plumber

If none of the above tips work, it could be because the material obstructing the drain is out of your reach, or maybe the plug is in one of the pipes. evacuation. sewer line from the street.In any case, it might be time to call a plumber

How To Choose The Right Exercise Machine For Yourself


ethos fitness equipment


Exercise is considered the best and safest way to maintain your health. Which way to exercise it Each person may have a different theme. Some people may jog. Some people may swim But some people choose to exercise with exercise machines like dumbbells and treadmills. Because they save time and can be done right at home. But despite the advantages Choosing these equipment, it is necessary to choose the right one for the user to be safe, so if anyone is looking for both types of exercise equipment, today we have a method to choose the right one for yourself.

Know the dumbbells and how to choose them right.

Dumbbells are weight training equipment that can be used for both weights and training. To exercise the muscles to strengthen and tighten the muscles Which dumbbells are considered Exercise machine  It's very popular, as are treadmills and skipping ropes, as they are relatively inexpensive and can be used anytime at home. This makes many people want to choose dumbbells to use at home. In which the selection of this type of equipment is used It is important to consider suitability. Because there are many sizes If the selection is too small It may not work very well, or if it is too heavy it can be dangerous. So if anyone is looking for a dumbbell, here's how to choose the right one.

Know the type of dumbbell

There are three different types of dumbbells available today, each different and suitable for different exercises:

Cast iron can be used immediately, there are many sizes, can be managed in specific parts.

The crossbar is suitable for people who do weight training regularly, which is more expensive than the cast iron model.

Weight-adjusted This model is most comfortable. Because you can adjust the level as needed But the disadvantage is that the price may be a little expensive.

Choose the right dumbbell according to your needs. When you know the different types of dumbbells, then choose the right dumbbell for your exercise style

How to choose a treadmill to suit yourself

In the selection of the treadmill There is a hassle-free method as well. Which if anyone is looking for a treadmill to use at home Here are some options to get you a great quality treadmill at home.


Consider the reliability of the store

Of course, the store you will buy. It should be a fitness shop that is trusted by customers. They are reliable and sell many kinds of exercise equipment. Including dumbbells and skipping ropes, after-sales service and a minimum 1 year warranty.

If you prepare alone, it is imperative that you achieve this firmly. That the ethos power rack offers only the type of safeguards which you want to when moving weighty weight without a spotter. Sure, make use of a regular squat rack, however, those generally don't possess adjustable safety grabs. This prevents you not only from carrying out heavier or shallower workouts, but out of doing any exercises in it, altogether. The single other solution would be squat racks, that can be typically employed by Olympic lifters.

Check the motor

The motor for the treadmill we recommend is from 1.5 - 2.5 horsepower, as it is suitable for people who want to walk or run. Which if anyone is a newbie and is not good at this matter Can inquire at the salesperson Will be able to advise as well

Belt, don't be overlooked

Because the belt is both for running or walking, it is recommended that if you run regularly. Should choose a belt width 50 and 150 cm long. As for anyone who intends to buy and walk You can buy sizes that are much smaller than this one.

See maximum speed

For that maximum speed If anyone has not chosen to practice This may be overlooked. But if purchased specifically for training Should choose a treadmill with the highest speed. Will be best to practice.

Check your weight

Because treadmills come in many sizes, if you're a big person. Obviously, you need to choose a large, sturdy treadmill.

Must have a safety system

Because everyone can fall at any time, choose a treadmill with a stop immediately when you or your family. Used and falling Will help prevent any danger that may occur.

Here's how to choose the right treadmill for yourself. Although there are many things to consider But certify that it is a waste of time once but will definitely get good, standardized and quality products.

ethos power rack

How are you For how to choose Exercise machine That we bring Both a treadmill and a dumbbell, let me tell you that each type You have to give priority and consider choosing carefully. Especially the treadmill Because they are expensive and have complex procedures unlike dumbbells or skipping ropes, if anyone is looking for these exercise equipment, They can be purchased at most fitness stores, or at Central Online, so you'll find a wide variety of exercise gear. With the best advice from salespeople That will help you choose the exercise equipment that is most suitable for you and your use.

How to Use Spray-On Bed Liner


best truck bed liner


Apart from human transportation, land transportation to transport goods from time to time has developed quite significantly. Currently, the pickup or double-cabin fleet of vehicles has recorded a fairly rapid increase every year. But this time what we are discussing is the best bed liner which is now one of the mandatory accessories for d-cab and pickup owners.

As a vehicle for transporting goods, more or less will experience friction with the goods it transports. Paint peeling off due to friction will open the metal surface of the plate. So that the

Under-controlled circumstances, like in a spray enclosure with proper venting and environmental controllers, the two aspects of a polyurethane or polyurea system are drawn from their individual storage drums or tanks into spray processing products. Both main elements of the machine, both the diisocyanate as well as also the polyol, are emptied from the processing devices and fed into some hand-held spray weapon. The reactive components fit, mix and therefore are applied from the trained and properly protected applicator. In DamnTools, you can find best truck bed liner.

iron plate is in direct contact with air which will trigger oxidation. Rust must have quickly approached that section. Within a certain period of time the iron plate will be eroded and eventually porous.

In order to prevent this from happening, several efforts were made to essentially protect the surface of the cargo tub from collisions and scratches. One of them is by adding a bed liner, aka the protective layer of the surface like goods.

The most primitive way is by placing a wooden plank on the surface of the tub. The wooden planks will protect from direct friction from objects that are transported by the surface of the tub plate.

So far we haven't found a seller that specifically offers this pioneering generation of bed liners.

You could say this is a home made bed liner.

Although it is quite effective and the price is relatively affordable, it is lacking in terms of aesthetics.

Especially if the wood is worn out and begins to break. Surely the display is getting less and less okay. Another downside of this wooden bed liner is that it doesn't protect the vertical sides of the tub. So that not a few floors like the pickup of the vehicle are intact but the sides of the walls are in shambles.

But of course this is not what we mean by bed liner. There are at least two types of bed liners that are widely known throughout the world. Both have the same use, but are completely different in form.



The first is a plastic bed liner called a drop-in bed liner. This bed liner is able to protect all sides of the existing tub. The surface of the pickup plate plate can be protected from impact or friction. Aesthetically, its appearance does not interfere with the beauty of the design of the vehicle it is installed in.

Generally, this type of drop-in is made of shatter-resistant plastic, but some are made of polyurethane. This type is quite strong and durable without special treatment for maintenance. In other words, maintenance free. Some sources say that this drop-in bed liner can withstand the harsh weather outside the garage for up to 10 years.

However, even this bed liner has a fairly basic weakness. This protector can only be transferred to similar vehicles with the same pickup specifications. This bed liner size is made specifically for one type of product only. "The single cab drop-in bed liner certainly cannot be used on a double cab, and vice versa," said Migrawan Nugroho, a double cab user from Bekasi. "The drop-in bed liner is very specific for each brand and type of vehicle," continued the man who is a fan of this modification.

The thing that makes the minus value comes from the towering purchase price that is very expensive to make up for the drop-in bed liner, besides that it is possible for water to break in and get trapped between the bed liner and the surface of the tub. Usually this water comes from the part of the bed liner that is cracked, broken and due to condensation.

Over its useful life, the drop-in bed liner will lose strength. Brittle and undergoes changes in shape and structure to become a scourge that haunts this one species after its age has been sufficiently eroded.


It is called Spray-on, because it is applied by spraying it. Even though it is labeled as spray on / in, in practice this type can be applied with a roll brush.  

Maybe in Indonesia, this type of one is not widely found. However, in America this type is one type of bed liner which is quite popular.

One of the things that makes it quite popular is because of the flexibility in its use of applications. will cover," explained Iyan Daniel from the Autotrek workshop in the Leuwinanggung Cibubur area.

best truck bed liner


This type of spray on can be said to have a dual function. Besides functioning as a coating (bed liner) it also has water repellent properties. So it is not wrong if this one system has a dual function. Apart from being a coating it also has a role to keep water from rising to the surface of the plate," added Iyan. And one more advantage, that the color can be chosen as you wish.

The difference between the basic material between Polyurethane and Polyurea affects the quality of the bed liner, especially its resistance to friction or impact from other objects. Polyurea is a material developed from polyurethane and has better durability and durability than its predecessor. It is not wrong that Polyurea coatings were widely applied by the military.

"Another drawback, obviously there is the scarcity of materials and tools that cannot be obtained easily," Iyan concluded, showing the special spray gun used in the on / in spray.

Choosing The Best Material For Pegboard Hooks


peg board hooks


In addition to the plug-in board itself, the pins are the most important element of the material. They make it possible to act as a shelf from which tools or goods can be hung. Pegboard has become eponymous for any type of perforated hardboard intended for the setting of pins or hooks.

In addition to the plug-in board itself, the pin pins are the most important element of the material. They make it possible to act as a shelf from which tools or goods can be hung. Pegboard is indeed a brand name, although it has become eponymous for any type of perforated hardboard intended for the setting of pegboard hooks.

Pegboard is just anyplace - hooks, panels doo dads , you name it. Every handtool at the hardware-store is hanging on pegboard. Each and every bag of bolts, roll of duct tape and tin of TicTacs at the checkout counter-pegboarded. Even the peg board hang on 1/4 inch pegboard hooks. But that will come as no surprise. Retailers want a display system which's hardy, simple to re arrange and adaptable-the exactly same qualities you need in your work spaces in your household.

Function of pegboard

Pegboards are practically big slabs. Hooks go towards these pegs to hold tools, materials and goods. In the correct arrangement, 2-4 pegs can support almost any tool in a workshop. In stores, pegboards are often used to display goods, primarily using hooks.


Choosing the best pegboard pin material

The material used for the pegboard pins does not always match the material used for the pin board. Metal hooks are often used in conjunction with wood composite panels. The stuff you use with your pegboard setup will mainly depend on what support is needed. In a workshop, heavy tools may require steel or brass pins, while wooden pins may be sufficient for lighter tools. Another factor to consider is the size of the holes in the breadboard. It can ban what materials work as pens. For example, brass pins may not be available in the size you need.

Metal pins

Metal pins, including brass, are the best choices, but they're also the most expensive. Machined pens are quite labor intensive, which adds to the cost. However, their strength is not achieved by wood. For heavy tools hanging from a perforated panel, metal pins are the best choice. Metal hooks work too. They come in a variety of lengths and sizes and are useful for almost any tool. The quick and easy way to attach them to the pegboard ensures secure support for whatever you hang.

peg hooks


Wooden pegs

As an alternative to metal, wooden pegs also work in pegboards. Since the holes pre-drilled in perforated panels are no more than ¼ inch in diameter, multiple wooden pins are required to carry heavier tools. Wooden dowels are strong, although if they are very heavy, they will not be enough to carry the heaviest tools you will hang from the board if not attached with extra pegs.

Your basic choice for pegboard pegs is made of metal or wood. While metal pins are stronger, they are more expensive and can put a strain on the pegboard if used to carry too much weight. Wooden pegs are less expensive, but their ability to support tools on pegboard comes into question the heavier the weight.

Effective weight loss tips that are easy to adjust by eating


jorge garcia weight loss 2019


The weight loss is something that many people. Always searching for various methods to be used to reduce them. But when I actually put those methods into practice, I couldn't lose weight successfully. Plus, if you leave it for a long time, it will have a lot of negative effects on your health . Today we will introduce the secret formula for losing weight in a way that works together. But what will there be Let's go see it together.

Drink water in the morning

Since drinking water can get rid of the toxins in the body to get out. It also helps to strengthen the function of various fat burning systems, thus giving us a better shape. And have good health from drinking water as well

Do not skip breakfast

Because breakfast is the most important meal That will help reduce hunger in meals during the day as well. There are also research results suggesting that People who eat breakfast are more alert and able to do more things than those who skip breakfast.

Eat more protein foods

Protein is one of the foods that are important for the body. And proteins are degraded as slowly as possible. They stay in the stomach longer than carbohydrates and fats. This makes it good for weight control that will make us feel full for a longer time. Best way, we should refrain from eating a little less dessert. Then switch to eating more protein foods Will give us a beautiful body soon

You will find some factors which you require to complete to get a daily basis, in the event that you'd like to eliminate weight fast and quickly. From exercising regularly to eating a nutritious diet program, sleeping well, requiring less, avoiding sugar and training portion control, there certainly are a couple things which you have to do daily for quick and consistent jorge garcia weight loss. The quantity of water that you just drink at daily can be also vital that you lose a few excess kilos. Inside this piece, we are going to chat about some steps you require to have daily foundation to get consistent and effective fat reduction.


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Eat fruit every day

This is because the water and fiber in the fruit will make it easier for us to feel full. And also low in calories It is a good help in losing weight itself. Plus in fruit can also help reduce appetite as well. But we should choose fruits that have less sugar. Avoid fruits that are overripe. This is because the high sugar content in ripe fruit can make us fatter.

Eat vegetables regularly

Since vegetables are foods that have the most fiber. Plus there is no high sugar content Therefore suitable for people who want to lose weight and diet And most importantly, in every meal there should always be a vegetable menu. Because in addition to giving us a better digestive system from eating vegetables Also allows us to have a beautiful and slim body quickly as well.

For losing weight with the methods mentioned above. It is another way that we can use it to lose weight. It is also a safe method and does not cause us to cause side effects or come back to yo-yo. It also gives us a good shape. And easily followed by good health.